Data Science Expo

Encouraging Data Literacy

The world is becoming more hyper-connected with data every day. Data literacy is so critical to our education system but also key to humanity. This competition is a great way to develop your skills in data science, have a chance to win up to $5,000 USD in scholarships, and have fun while doing it!

**Registration is currently closed**

The structure of this event will be both an exhibition where students will showcase their projects in front of world-class judges from the data science space as well as a live coding challenge. A student can enter more than one competition category but is not required. Students are also allowed to enter a category as a team, consisting of up to three students.

Students will have the option to enter the competition in three ways:

  1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning competition (expo style)
  2. Data visualization and data storytelling competition (expo style)
  3. Live coding challenge (Real-time challenge at the event)

For the AI and Viz sections (points 1 & 2 above) of the competition, students will then apply their category to one of the following topics in any way they see fit.

  1. Society
  2. Art, music, and cinema
  3. Sports
  4. Climate

We will identify regional winners for each competition category. Winners will receive up to 5k USD in scholarships!

More details to come on the Live Coding Challenge!

2023 Regional Events will be hosted in:

  • Singapore: September 9, 2023 @ AI Singapore